Pros and Cons of Coliving Explained

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Illustration of two young individuals sitting comfortably on a couch, possibly in a coliving space, engaged in conversation or leisure activities, highlighting the social benefits of coliving while also pointing out potential drawbacks such as lack of privacy.

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Coliving has recently become a popular housing trend, particularly among young professionals, millennials, GenZ, and digital nomads. However, like any living arrangement, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of coliving to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.


What is Coliving?

Coliving is an upcoming modern form of housing where residents have a private bedroom in a furnished house but share common areas with other house residents.

Spaces can range from apartments to large houses where people with similar interests, goals, or lifestyles live together. Shared amenities include kitchens, living rooms, workspaces, and recreational areas.

What is the difference between coliving and roommates?

Although coliving may seem similar to the typical living with roommates situation, there are a few key differences. The main difference between coliving and having roommates is the level of community and shared resources.

The differences include:

  • Community: Coliving spaces foster a sense of community and social interaction among residents, while traditional roommates may not have the same level of social interaction or shared activities.
  • Management: Coliving is usually managed by a professional company, whereas traditional roommates may have to manage the household themselves.
  • Shared amenities: Coliving apartments typically have more shared amenities such as kitchens, living rooms, and workspaces, while traditional roommates may not share as many resources.

Coliving is a more structured and intentional living arrangement that creates a community and shared experiences. Living with roommates is more of a casual living arrangement with less emphasis on community-building.

Pros of Coliving

  • Lower Cost
  • Reduced Loneliness
  • Social Benefits
  • Flexibility
  • Division of Household Chores
  • Safety and Security
  • Environmental Benefits

Lower Cost

Living costs in coliving arrangements are usually lower than traditional rentals, especially in large cities. Monthly rent payments, broker’s fees, security deposits, and the cost of buying new furniture and appliances can add up to significant amounts.

Apartments are fully furnished with a single all-inclusive rent payment. Additionally, since rental costs are shared among residents, they’re typically lower and affordable.

Reduced Loneliness

Coliving reduces loneliness by providing residents with a built-in community of like-minded individuals who share common interests and values.

Living close to others also increases social interaction, collaboration, and support, strengthening relationships and a sense of belonging. This can especially benefit people new to a city or working remotely.

Social Benefits

Coliving provides numerous social benefits, including connecting with people from different backgrounds and cultures, developing new friendships, and collaborating on shared interests or projects.

Coliving spaces often organize social events, such as movie nights, game nights, or group outings, which foster a sense of community and encourage social interaction.

This type of housing is particularly attractive to people who value socializing and networking and can lead to friendships and professional connections that extend beyond the coliving experience.


Coliving offers flexibility in terms of room options and lease agreements. Unlike living with roommates, where you share the financial responsibilities in a single lease, coliving companies provide individual lease agreements.

So, even though you share the space, you’re only responsible for your portion of the rent. It eliminates the financial liability of other residents, and their actions, such as non-payment, won’t affect you.

Division of Household Chores

Living with roommates means sharing responsibilities, making it easier to keep common areas clean and tidy. By creating a schedule or system for dividing chores, you can create a more enjoyable and comfortable living experience.

Safety and Security

Coliving provides a safe and secure living environment for residents. Coliving companies typically have security measures in place to ensure the safety of their residents, such as secure access to the building and individual rooms, cameras, keyless entry systems, and on-site staff or security personnel.

Additionally, living with other people can provide an added sense of security, as more people are around to look out for one another and help in an emergency. 

In addition to providing a safe and secure living environment, coliving offers the benefit of living with others who can provide an extra sense of security and support. The well-being of residents is a top priority for reputable coliving companies. As technology advances, AI-powered security cameras are being implemented to enhance safety measures. This commercial security system can effectively detect and analyze potential threats, utilize facial recognition for authorized access, and identify intrusions. Furthermore, these systems can be remotely monitored and integrated with emergency response protocols. By incorporating AI technology, coliving spaces strive to create a secure living environment that offers residents peace of mind while respecting their privacy concerns.

Environmental Benefits

Coliving can provide a sustainable and eco-friendly living option for people passionate about reducing their environmental footprint.

Sharing resources and living spaces can reduce individual carbon footprints and promote sustainable living. Shared amenities, such as kitchens and living spaces, can reduce the need for individual appliances and furniture, thus reducing waste and energy consumption.

Additionally, many shared spaces use eco-friendly materials and appliances, such as energy-efficient lighting, to minimize their environmental impact.

Cons of Coliving

llustration of a playful cat surrounded by various toys, possibly in a coliving space, showcasing the fun and relaxed environment of such shared living arrangements, while also indicating the potential issue of having to share space with pets and dealing with their mess.
  • Personal Space and Privacy
  • Different Lifestyles and Habits
  • Responsibility for Others
  • Lack of Cities

Personal Space and Privacy

Living with other people in a shared living space means that residents may have less control over their living environment and have to compromise on their personal preferences.

Additionally, shared amenities can become crowded or messy, making it difficult to find a quiet space or maintain cleanliness. This can be challenging for people who value their personal space and need privacy to recharge or focus.

While some people enjoy the social interaction and shared experience of coliving, others may find the lack of personal space and privacy challenging.

Different Lifestyles and Habits

Living with people with different lifestyles, habits, and preferences can create conflicts or disagreements.

For example, residents may have different sleep schedules, work demands, or social preferences that may clash. One resident may be a night owl, while another is an early riser, leading to conflicting schedules and disturbances.

While coliving spaces typically screen residents to ensure compatibility, forming a community of people with similar habits and lifestyles is impossible.

Responsibility for Others

The responsibility that comes with living with others may not be ideal for everyone. Living with other people in shared accommodation means that residents have to be considerate of others and take responsibility for maintaining a clean and functional living environment.

Additionally, residents may have to resolve conflicts or address issues among roommates. This can be challenging for people who prefer to live independently or have limited time or energy to maintain a communal living environment.

Lack of Cities

Coliving spaces may not be available in all cities or areas, such as smaller towns or rural areas. This limits the options for individuals interested in coliving arrangements but cannot relocate to a city or urban area.

Additionally, the availability of coliving spaces may be limited in some cities, leading to higher prices or longer waitlists for desirable living arrangements.

Is Coliving Right for You?

Coliving is a great idea and an excellent option for some people, offering the opportunity to live in a community and save money on rent. However, there are drawbacks, such as potential conflicts with roommates and the lack of privacy.

When considering whether to choose coliving or renting alone, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider what’s most important for your lifestyle and preferences.

Live Together with June Homes

If you’re intrigued by the concept of coliving and are interested in exploring coliving spaces in different cities, June Homes offers a range of attractive residences in various vibrant locations. Whether you’re looking to experience the hustle and bustle of New York City, the historical charm of Boston, the political epicenter of Washington, D.C., or the diverse culture of Chicago, June Homes has you covered.

These coliving spaces offer the convenience, community, and affordability that come with the coliving lifestyle while allowing you to immerse yourself in the unique character and opportunities of these remarkable cities. Whether you’re a young professional, a digital nomad, or anyone seeking a modern and engaging living experience, June Homes provides options to suit your needs.

So, if you’re considering coliving as a housing option and want to explore these fantastic cities, click on the links above to learn more about the coliving opportunities June Homes has to offer. It could be the first step towards an exciting and enriching living experience in your city of choice.

Remember, sharing is caring:

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