4 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Westgate

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Welcome to Austin’s Westgate neighborhood, a small, predominantly residential neighborhood located southwest of the city’s urban core. Westgate is bounded by the neighborhoods of South Mancha to the east, Garrison Park to the south, Flournoy Acres to the west, and Barton Hills to the north. During the 1950s and 1960s, most of Westgate’s property development was residential. Westgate experienced a boom in the late 1980s when families started relocating to this friendly neighborhood. Single-family homes dominated this area until the late 1990s when the Westgate Shopping Center was built and brought numerous commercial businesses to the area.

At 1.47-square-miles in total surface area, this relatively small neighborhood in Travis County holds a diverse population of just over 5,800. Due to its laid-back, suburban feel and proximity to Downtown Austin, Westgate is home to an eclectic demographic comprised primarily of college students, families, and single working professionals. With Highway 71 running through the northern section of this neighborhood, Westgate is a haven for commuters and is considered one of the best places to live in Austin, Texas. Good public schools and moderately-priced homes make this an especially attractive neighborhood for young families looking to raise their kids in a safe area in Austin. According to recent statistics, a majority of Westgate residents rent their homes.

Don’t let the walkable, bike-friendly streets fool you. Westgate is not all residential. The commercial district centered around the Westgate Shopping Center offers a wide variety of boutiques and restaurants, as well as big-box retail stores. You can also find a movie theater here. Despite an overall lack of nightlife options, Westgate is within a few miles of numerous bars in Sunset Valley. Hyde Park Bar and Grill is probably the most popular restaurant in town, serving up tasty food and delicious cocktails at its friendly bar. Joslin Neighborhood Park provides a safe place for kids and adults to enjoy the great outdoors and play a game of tennis or have a picnic.