Studio Or One Bedroom Apartment: Which Should You Rent?


The image is a minimalist graphic with a two-tone color scheme, primarily in blue and white. It features a large house outline with a pointed roof, inside which a stylized illustration of a person is depicted sitting comfortably, legs extended and crossed, while looking at a smartphone. The person has a ponytail and wears a short-sleeved top and trousers, with socks and shoes on. Above the house illustration, there's bold text that reads "Studio Or One Bedroom Apartment: Which Should You Rent?" The design is clean and appears to be informational, possibly an advertisement or the cover for a blog post discussing the considerations for renting different types of apartments.

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The decision between renting a studio or a one-bedroom apartment can be a tough one. Whether you’re a recent college graduate looking for your first apartment, young professional or seasonal renter, you’ve likely come across these two options. But what’s the difference between a studio and a one-bedroom apartment? And which is the better fit for you? This article explores these questions and gives you a guide to renting 101.

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TL;DR: The Difference Between a Studio and a One Bedroom

The main difference between a studio and a one-bedroom apartment lies in the layout and number of rooms. A studio is essentially one large room that serves multiple purposes, while a one-bedroom apartment has a distinct, separate bedroom. This difference can significantly impact your living experience, from how you entertain guests to your comfort levels when working from home.

Studio vs. One Bedroom Apartment: Which Should You Rent?

What is a Studio Apartment?

A studio apartment is usually a small, self-contained, single-room living space that combines your bedroom, living room, and kitchen area into one open floor plan. However, the bathroom is always separate and enclosed. Depending on the layout, studios can range from cozy spaces perfect for one person to large lofts that can comfortably accommodate couples.

What is a One-Bedroom Apartment?

As the name suggests, a one-bedroom apartment features a separate bedroom in addition to a living room and kitchen area. The bedroom typically has a door that can be closed for privacy, unlike a studio where all areas are combined. One-bedroom apartments usually have more square footage than studios and may offer more in terms of amenities such as a separate dining area or additional storage space.

Pros and Cons of a Studio Apartment

Living in a studio apartment comes with a unique set of advantages and disadvantages:


Renting a Studio Apartment: Pros
  • Cost-Effective: Studios are typically cheaper than one-bedroom apartments, making them a popular choice among renters looking to save money.
  • Easy to Maintain: With less square footage to cover, cleaning a studio apartment can be quicker and easier.
  • Energy Efficient: Smaller spaces are often cheaper to heat and cool, resulting in lower utility bills.


Renting a Studio Apartment: Pros
  • Limited Space: The compact nature of studio apartments can feel cramped, especially for those with a lot of belongings or a preference for spacious living.
  • Lack of Privacy: Studios don’t provide much privacy, which might not be ideal when having guests over or if you’re living with a partner.

Pros and Cons of a One-Bedroom Apartment

One-bedroom apartments also have their own set of pros and cons:


  • Privacy: With a separate bedroom, you can entertain guests without exposing your sleeping area, and it’s more comfortable for couples or roommates.
  • More Space: One-bedroom apartments typically offer more space, allowing for more furniture, appliances, and overall breathing room.
  • Better for Working From Home: The separate spaces can help establish a more efficient work-from-home setup.


  • Costlier: Rent and utility costs are usually higher in one-bedroom apartments than in studio apartments.
  • More to Maintain: With more space comes more cleaning and upkeep responsibilities.

What is the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in New York City, NY?

The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in New York City starts at $3525 per month. As of September 08, 2023.

What is the average rent for a studio apartment in New York City, NY?

The average rent for a studio apartment in New York City starts at $3225 per month. As of September 08, 2023.

How to Choose Between a Studio and One-Bedroom Apartment

Deciding between a studio and a one-bedroom apartment involves considering several important factors, such as lifestyle needs, budget, location, and space usage. Understanding the distinct features of both types of apartments will be instrumental in making the right decision.

Factors to Consider:

  • Budget: Generally, studio apartments are cheaper than one-bedroom apartments. However, it’s essential to factor in utility costs and the cost of furnishing a larger space.
  • Space and Privacy: If you need more privacy or expect to host visitors frequently, a one-bedroom apartment would offer more space and separate areas for different activities.
  • Lifestyle: Your lifestyle plays a huge role in this decision. If you work from home, the separation of spaces in a one-bedroom apartment may be crucial. Conversely, if you spend minimal time at home, a studio might suffice.
  • Location: If a studio apartment is in a more desirable area (closer to work, favorite hangouts, or better amenities), it may be a better choice over a larger apartment in a less convenient location.

Scenarios and User Opinions

Scenario One: If you’re on a tight budget and plan to spend most of your time out and about, a studio apartment might be the perfect choice. 

Scenario Two: On the other hand, if you’re the type who enjoys hosting, requires more privacy, or needs to work from home, a one-bedroom apartment could be a better fit. As another Reddit user noted, having separate rooms for different activities can be a game changer. One more Reddit user shared that moving to a one-bedroom apartment was worth the extra rent, especially during the lockdown period when they spent more time at home.

Scenario Three: Cooking and odors could be another factor in your decision. A studio may not be the best choice if you cook frequently and the layout doesn’t allow for effective ventilation. As one user on Reddit shared, they moved to a one-bedroom apartment partly because their studio always smelled like food after cooking.

What do June Homes Residents Think?

As a young professional working remotely, living in a studio apartment in NYC has been a game-changer for me. The space is just enough for one person, and it’s cozy and efficient. I’ve organized my apartment in a way that I have a small work corner, and it helps me separate my work life from my personal life, even in a single room. Plus, the cost-effectiveness of a studio is a huge bonus. Living in NYC can be expensive, but my studio apartment is affordable, which allows me to manage my finances better and still enjoy the city life. I love the simplicity and the independence that my studio apartment provides me.

26-year-old Young Remote Worker Living in a Studio in NYC.

My partner and I moved into a one-bedroom apartment in NYC, and it has been the best decision for us. Having separate spaces for sleeping and living has been crucial for maintaining our sanity, especially during the lockdowns when we were both working from home. The separate bedroom provides us with privacy and a quiet space to retreat, while the living area is great for hosting a few friends or just relaxing after a long day. We also appreciate the extra storage space that comes with a one-bedroom apartment. It’s definitely more expensive than a studio, but for us, the benefits far outweigh the costs. We couldn’t be happier with our choice to go for a one-bedroom apartment.

Young Couple Living in a One-Bedroom in NYC

Users Takeaways

Based on June Homes, Reddit and Quora user feedback, here are the key takeaways regarding choosing between a studio and a one-bedroom apartment:

Size and Layout Matter: Some users found a well-arranged studio adequate for their needs, with certain features such as a separate kitchen or large windows being highly appreciated. A well-laid-out studio might feel more comfortable than a poorly organized one-bedroom apartment.

Value for Money: If the price difference between a studio and one-bedroom is insignificant, some users suggest opting for the larger space. A separate bedroom offers more privacy and a division of space that could be worth the extra cost.

Living Alone or Sharing: Studio apartments were preferred by users who lived alone or with a partner, while one-bedroom apartments were preferred when living with roommates.

Consider Other Factors: Location, natural light, the quality of the neighborhood, and building history were considered as important as size by some users.

Impact of Quarantine: Quarantine due to the pandemic has made some users value extra space, with several expressing discomfort at being confined to one room during lockdowns.

Consider Your Future Needs: If you plan on expanding your family or adopting a pet, a one-bedroom might offer more flexibility.

Remember that everyone’s needs and preferences are different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

So, what to Rent?

Renting your ideal apartment comes down to understanding your unique needs and lifestyle. A studio apartment could be a perfect choice if you value simplicity, affordability, and a cozy space that’s easy to maintain. However, if you prefer more space, privacy, and a clear separation between your living and sleeping areas, a one-bedroom apartment would be the way to go.

Whether you choose a studio or a one-bedroom apartment, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and at home in your space. Happy apartment hunting!

Find Apartments and Studios for Rent With June Homes

If you’re planning a move, finding the right accommodation should be your top priority. June Homes is here to help you find an apartment or studio for rent that fits your needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for studio apartments, short terms rentals, shared homes, or any other type of rental, we’re here to assist you.

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Q: Is a studio or one bedroom bigger?

A: In general, one-bedroom apartments are larger than studio apartments. A studio combines the bedroom, living room, and kitchen into a single room, while a one-bedroom apartment has these spaces separate, usually leading to more square footage overall.

Q: Is a studio apartment too small for one person?

A: Not necessarily. This depends on the person and their lifestyle. Some people find studio apartments perfectly adequate, especially if they have a minimalist lifestyle or spend a lot of time outside their home. The key is in making the most of the available space and organizing it well.

Q: Is a studio enough for a couple?

A: This largely depends on the couple’s lifestyle and tolerance for being in close quarters. Some couples find studio living perfectly comfortable, while others prefer having more space and privacy, which a one-bedroom apartment provides. It is crucial for both partners to communicate their expectations and comfort levels before making the decision.

Q: Is it better to live in a studio or with roommates?

A: The answer to this question is highly personal and depends on your comfort with sharing your living space. Living in a studio means having your own private space, which can be ideal for people who value their privacy and autonomy. Living with roommates, on the other hand, can be less expensive and provide more social interaction.

Q: How many people can fit in a studio apartment for a party?

A: The number of people a studio apartment can accommodate for a party depends on the size of the apartment and how much furniture it contains. As a rough guide, you might estimate that each guest needs about 5-10 square feet of space. However, remember that hosting large parties in small apartments can become crowded quickly and might violate your lease agreement or disturb your neighbors. Always consider the comfort and safety of your guests, and adhere to any building or local regulations.

More Renting Tips

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