Apartments for Rent in Somerville

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Welcome to Somerville – a charming neighborhood with a small-town vibe bordered by Boston and Cambridge. Local college students and young professionals enjoy convenient access to Boston University and Cambridge University and grace the location with a distinctly fun and youthful vibe.

Somerville offers its locals access to everything they need for a happy, full life while maintaining a peaceful, connected atmosphere. Assembly Square offers convenient shopping, while the historic Union Square farmers market is your go-to for fresh fruits and vegetables. For sports and outdoors enthusiasts, Somerville acts as the unofficial cycling capital within the Boston area, offering miles of community cycling paths and reputable bike shops.

All our rooms for rent and entire homes in Somerville come available furnished or unfurnished for rent, stocked with essential amenities, and all utilities installed. We only create homes in neighborhoods we would actually like to live ourselves, close to public transport, parks, and local entertainment.