Rooms for Rent in Shared Apartments in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

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Welcome to brownstone country; Prospect Heights is about as nostalgic and charming as it gets. Make the time to take yourself out for a sunny stroll to Prospect Park, the Brooklyn Public Library and the Brooklyn Museum near its southern boundary, and Barclays Center—home of basketball’s Brooklyn Nets.

Prospect Park is the lush green highlight of this sunny, special neighborhood, thanks to landscapers Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who also helped design Manhattan's Central Park. Local architecture is made up of affordable apartments and beautiful row houses, hosting local young families, professionals and college students. The neighborhood lies conveniently close to Atlantic Terminal and several bus lines, should you feel like a day trip through Brooklyn or Manhattan.

If you're seeking a private apartment or shared room in Prospect Heights, close to public transport, parks, and local entertainment – June Homes is here to help. All our rental homes come available fully furnished and stocked with everything you need. We are pleased to charge no broker fees, hidden fees and our lease terms are flexible, from 1–18 months.